1. Delete the “xxx-portlet-service.jar” from docroot/WEB-INF/lib folder 2. Delete all the files and folders inside WEB-INF/classes. 3. ...
Eclipse shortcuts for java developer
generate code: CTRL + SPACE Open list of files: ...
Selenium in Liferay
1. Selenium IDE is an intergrated development environment for Selenium. It works as a FireFox extension that allows you to record and edit...
Create your own exception class in java
1.To create our own Exception class in java we need to extend our ExceptionClass to "Exception" class. 2.Create any of the con...
Heap memory in java
Java objects created in an area called the heap memory.The heap memory is created when the JVM starts up, heap memory is increased or decr...
Singleton class example program
A singleton class having a single object or Instance of a class for entire lifetime of the application. Singleton class restricts the inst...
Javascript popup boxes
1.Displaying an alert box: An alert box can be displayed using Javascript's alert() function. Syntax: alert("Text to display in...
Installation of ant and RabbitVCS in ubuntu
Installation of ant in ubuntu: Open the terminal just type the following command: sudo apt-get -u install ant How to check ant is ...
Ubuntu basics for Java developer
sudo command: In order to do administrative tasks like install, remove or upgrade applications/software in the Ubuntu machine, the logge...
Structures and Templates in Liferay
Structure: 1.Take a scenario that I want to display image in web content portlet dynamically, when I want display image I need image u...
How to change mysql database password in ubuntu?
1.Login as root sudheer@VY-B3:~$ mysql -u root -p Enter password:vidyayug 2.select the database: mysql> use mysql; Query OK, ...
Some useful commands in Ubuntu
How to take mysql database backup? mysqldump -u root -p --routines database_name> backup_name.sql How to import DB? mysql -u root...
Hiding Image Gallery Properties in Liferay6.06
Drop the image gallery portlet in the page and then go to look and feel of the portlet configuration and then add the below code in the e...
Creating ActionURL and RenderURL
Render URL Creation : To navigate from one page to another page in liferay we use render URL. 1.Create the render url: 2.Specif...
Creating Layouts in liferay
1.Go to File → New → Liferay Plugin Project. 2.Enterthe Project name and Display name. 3.Choose whichever build type you prefer ...