Installation of ant in ubuntu:
Open the terminal just type the following command:
sudo apt-get -u install ant
How to check ant is installed in ubuntu or not?
ant -version
How to check java is intalled in ubuntu or not?
java -version
How to install RabbitVCS in Ubuntu?
RabbitVCS is a set of graphical tools written to provide simple and straightforward access to the version control systems you use
1.Open the terminal and run the following commands
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rabbitvcs/ppa
2.Update the source list
sudo apt-get update
3.install rabbitvcs core using the following command
sudo apt-get install rabbitvcs-core
4.Install nautilus,thunar,gedit and command line plugins using the following command
sudo apt-get install rabbitvcs-nautilus rabbitvcs-thunar rabbitvcs-gedit rabbitvcs-cli
Check is it installed or not, by clicking on any folder it will show some options related to RabbitVCS.