Ubuntu basics for Java developer

sudo command:
In order to do administrative tasks like install, remove or upgrade applications/software in the Ubuntu machine, the logged user should have administrator privileges.
For this purpose, Ubuntu environment provides a special command called "sudo" (Super Used DO), which will allows us to install/remove/upgrade and system maintenance.
top command:
The command "top" is very much similar to task manager in windows system.Using top command, we will see the data like CPU utilization and memory utilization per process and in addition processes info that are running etc.
cd space / :Takes you to the root directory.
Under ROOT, we do find the directories named "home", "opt" and others.So, if we need to navigate to any directories under ROOT (/) then use slash (/) before that directory name i.e. cd /home, cd /opt.
cd space .. :Takes you up one directory level.
cd space - :Takes you to the previous directory.
mkdir command:
To create a directory we use mkdir command
$ mkdir directory_name

To remove a file :
rm file_name
To remove a directory:
rm -r filename
To copy content from one file to another file we use the cp command:
sudo cp source-filename destination-filename
To move from one location to another location we use the mv command:
sudo mv source-place destination-place
To rename file:
sudo mv old_filename new_filename
To display list of files:
ls -a list of file in ascending order
ls -r list of files in reverse order
ls -t list of files will be displayed based on time of creation
clear : to clean the console
history : it will show list of used commands previously.
logname : logged in user name
date: will display today date and time
pwd : to display current working directory

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