How to take mysql database backup?
mysqldump -u root -p --routines database_name> backup_name.sql
How to import DB?
mysql -u root -p databasename
how to move one folder from one place to another place ?
how to remove non-empty folder?
Permission denied to start/stop tomcat server?
how to move one folder from one place to another place ?
sudo mv foldername destination_location
how to remove non-empty folder?
sudo rm -r foldername
system shout down command:
sudo init 0
system restart command:
sudo init 6
How to unzip a zip file from the Terminal?
unzip -d destination_folder_name
how to know port number local system?
to see port number go to etc/ssh/ssh.config file
default port number is:22
how to stop tomcat server in ubuntu?
ps ax | grep java
to find the java process number. If that command returns something, then run
copy the process id and execute below commnad.
sudo kill -9 pid
Permission denied to start/stop tomcat server?
go to tomcat/bin run the following command
chmod 700 *.sh
how to know mysql is running or not?
sudo netstat -tap | grep mysql