In summary, the portal (6.0 or above) supports 6 different types of plugins out-of-the-box.
They are

1.  portlets
2.  themes,
3.  layout templates,
4.  webs,
5.  hooks, and
6.  ext.

1)  Portlets: web applications that run in a portion of a web page;
2)  Themes: look and feel of pages;
3)  Layout Templates: ways of choosing how the portlets will be arranged on a page;
4)  Hooks: allow hooking into the portal core functionality;
5)  Webs: regular Java EE web modules designed to work with the portal, like ESB (Enterprise   Service Bus), SSO (Single Sign-On), etc.
6)  Ext: ext environment as a plugin.


Hooks can fill a wide variety of the common needs for overriding Liferay core functionality. Whenever possible, hooks should be used in place of Ext plugins, as they are hot-deployable and more forward compatible. Some common scenarios which require the use of a hook are the need to perform custom actions on portal startup or user login, overwrite or extend portal JSPs, modify portal properties, or replace a portal service with your own implementation. Liferay can be customized using either hook plugins or Ext plugins. Best way is to try doing all your customizations as hooks if possible.

If you find something you can’t do in a hook—maybe you need to customize a property that is not yet supported by hooks, extend an internal Liferay class, implement a custom Permission Checker, or extend a Liferay Struts action—you can use the Ext plugin to do this.

Generally there are 4 types of hook parameters:

1. portal-properties (portal properties hooks)
2. language-properties (language properties hooks)
3. custom-jsp-dir (custom JSPs hooks)
4. service (portal service hooks)

1) portal properties hooks allow runtime re-configuration of the portal.
2) Language properties hooks allow us to install new translations or override few words in                                     existing translations.
3) JSP hooks provide a way to easily modify JSP files without having to alter the core of the portal
4) Portal service hooks provide a way to easily override portal services

Over view of HOOKS:

Ø  Hooks are used to override/extends liferay core functionalities.
Ø  Hooks are hot-deployable.
Ø  Hooks are created within liferay-plug-in-sdk/hooks folder.
Ø  Hooks are preferred over Ext-plugins whenever possible.

Uses of HOOKS:

Ø  Performing custom actions on portal startup or user login
Ø  Overriding or extend portal JSPs
Ø  Modifying portal properties
Ø  Replacing portal services with your own implementation

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